Saturday, November 1, 2008

Developing Self-esteem

One of the most important things a person brings to a relationship is how he feels about himself - his self-esteem. Self-esteem is extremely important in our relationships. Experts in this subject said that the children are more receptive when they feel good about themselves. When you feel good about yourself, your motivation is higher and you become more involved in everything you do. You feel positive! Nothing will stops you to achieve your goals.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself! You are the most important person in the whole world! You have the power within you to accomplish everything you put your mind into. You came from a Divine Father and Mother in Heaven, so you have what you need to believe that you can make it. You are not alone!

I believe that when there is a challenge there is an opportunity to grow and If you want to be happy and enjoy life, please accept the challenges with gratitude because through them you will discover your gifts and talents. have the seeds of a loving Father and the power within you to reach success. Success in life is not only money or a carrier but the journey of doing things a little bit better every day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Being Positive

Looking for the bright side of life is the best way to see life. Having hope and faith that everything will work out will make us feel peace in our hearts and will enable us to see life in a different way...a positive way.

Back in March of 2008 a co-worker told me that I'm a "happy person" and that she will like to be like me. I was in shock! I didn't realize I cause that impression to others. For me, that is a way of leaving. Having to raise 5 children teaching them good values, you have to be positive. You want them to know that life is good.

Overcoming Trials and Challenges in Life

I learned through experiences that we can overcome all kind of trials and challenges by accepting them as a way to grow spiritually and temporally and having a positive attitude.

When I was young I didn't want to accept that I have a challenge. I saw it as a "problem" or a "punishment" for something I thought I did wrong. Until I accept that challenges were part of my life as a way for me to develop my creativity and talents I couldn't overcome them.
We must accept that we will have trials and challenges in our life and some will be consequences of a decision we made and some just because we need to grow spiritually and temporarily.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Improving Lives

Can you imagine living with a positive attitude, overcoming challenges and experiencing joy and happiness? We can have a little bit of heaven on earth..don't you think so?
Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences about this subject. Together we can improve our lives.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Encouraging our LDS Missionaries

Are you a returned missionary? or going to a mission? Are you a missionary's mom or dad? Are you a missionary's brother or sister? Are you a missionary's friend? just share your experiences or your questions...together we will find the way to encourage our missionaries and help each other strength our testimony and overcome challenges.

All missionaries have a story before and after the mission. They go as young adults and came back mature and ready for the next step. In the mission they learn to live with their companions and to serve and help others. Every day for 1-2 years they use their talents, creativity and inspiration that comes from prayers to fulfill his mission.