Sunday, December 28, 2014

Our most must precious blessing - Our family

For the past 7 days I have been blessed having my family together.  With this I mean all my children and all my grandchildren for Christmas time.  I pictured these scene over and over in my mind weeks ago and I prayed for this to happen.  I can tell you that God listen to our prayers and I think that all of us prayed for the same thing because it did happens.

Beside the gifts and the happy moments that Christmas brings; gathering all the family together and enjoy each other company is the most precious blessing. When there is love in the family we all can be flexible and cooperative just to be together. Sacrifices had been made for the whole purpose of being together.

Monday, October 6, 2014


After listening to the LDS Conference yesterday I decided to continue with this blog since I think it is important.  When I created this blog it was to provide uplifting subjects for my family and for all the ones reading it.  I have been inconsistent but I want to continue writing this blog.  I have more than 4 blogs and only one I have been updating for the past months (the family one).  All the blogs were created for the same provide some how assistance and help to the ones in need of inspirational subjects because we all have good days and bad days and we all need to be uplifted some time in our lives.

"Decisions determine your destiny" words from the Prophet of God made me think in all the things we do everyday and how many decisions we made every day.  If we do the same thing today and we don't improve anything in our life our future will be the same.  We need to change and improve our life TODAY so we can see the results tomorrow.